Friday 28 September 2012

Chapter 14 - Generation One Summary

Generation one is now over as Albin reaches manhood. It began with Laughing Bear and Little feet and an empty plot of land.

At the end of generation one here is the summary of the sims and the score so far.

Chapter 13 - The New Order

Laughing bear gazed across his land. He felt that he had achieved a lot in his time here. It seemed like only yesterday himself and Little feet had been stranded in this foreign place. They had made a life for themselves and had four amazing kids.

Now he was getting older and he felt it was time to look to the new generation. He needed to talk seriously and privately with Albin, so he took him to the fishing spot he went every day.

Wednesday 26 September 2012

Chapter 12 - Albin's unlucky in love

Albin had found himself in a relationship with Rosalyn after the prom and had decided to go along with it. For a few months all had been going well. Rosalyn was quite good fun and he enjoyed spending time with her.

As time went on Albin realised that he enjoyed Rosalyn's company as a friend and wasn't attracted to her.

Chapter 11 - Party with a difference

Albin settled into life as Rosalyn's boyfriend. He often went to hers after school and worked on his homework.

Saturday 22 September 2012

Chapter 10 - Albin's Prom

Albin had been a quiet child and had not made many friends at school, although he had invited some of the local children over to his birthday parties and one of these was Rosalyn Houle.

Saturday 15 September 2012

Chapter 8 - Time flies

As is always the way when you wish that time would slow down it speeds up. Little Feet watched as her babies seem to shoot up overnight. Albin once her little man was now nearly fully grown.