Monday 28 January 2013

Chapter 42 - Triple Birth

Charli felt huge, but happy. Albin had been so keen on another child. She had been getting used to her new found freedom with Merlin at school, but now with only a few weeks to go she didn't regret their decision.

She now felt only impatience to meet their new baby. Albin on the other hand seemed to be getting more and more restless as the time for her to give birth approached. 

Wednesday 16 January 2013

Chapter 41 - Someone New

Albin's face was starting to hurt from smiling, but he was just so happy to see Kwasi and Melody finally getting married.

The service had had to be conducted indoors. It was the middle of summer, but rain was lashing down on the castle and had been for the last few days. The couple were beaming and Albin was smiling just as much as they were.

Monday 14 January 2013

Chapter 40 - The Same but Different

Albin had looked on with delight as Kwasi begun dating Melody. It was one benefit of being from the future, he could watch events unfold.

He knew that they would get married and have a little baby boy called Einstein. 

Tuesday 8 January 2013

Chapter 39 - France

Albin and Charli visited Le Champs, a picturesque region of France and stayed in a hotel just on the edge of the small town.

The hotel was a very popular one, full of travellers from around the world.

Thursday 3 January 2013

Chapter 38 - Making the best of it

Albin was never sure how he got through those first few weeks. He felt like a stranger in his own house. He watched his family interacting and felt like an outsider. 

He began to realise as time went on that even if he found a way to return home he might be a stranger there too. He began to settle back into a routine and enjoy his family. It was time to live life to the full and to start with he decided he needed to spend quality time with his wife Charli.