He had never been so scared, he felt as if his whole future life would depend on the next few minutes. He tried to remember what he and Evelyn had talked about, but there seemed to be static in his head and he couldn't think.
Nervously he coughed and Albin looked up and smiled.
Lance walked in trying to smile, but only managing a grimace. He decided to plunge in and get it over and done with it.
"I wanted to come and speak to you about something important." started Lance his voice quavering." Albin waited to see what Lance would say next and so he continued,
"The thing is, that erm.. Evelyn and I, we are, well we are together, it happened at the Prom and so we thought you should know."
The words came out at a stampede and Lance then glanced nervously at Albin.
Albin looked visibly taken aback, but taking a deep breath he said "But your her imaginary friend, your not real, this doesn't make sense."
Lance explained "I was her imaginary friend, but now I am real and I can do and feel all that a real boy can."
Albin was having trouble taking it all in, it was soo unexpected, he was fond of Lance, but the idea of Lance and Evelyn as a couple had never occurred to him. He was stunned and also a little cross with himself. Now he thought of it what could be more natural, he should have considered this and taken steps to prevent this situation occurring.
Albin responded "But I wanted a normal life for Evelyn, I mean could you have kids together and if so would they be normal?"
Lance blushed at the unexpected turn to the conversation and replied "I am a normal boy now, I can do anything normal boys can."
Albin looked hard at Lance. He was fond of him, he had found him a hard worker, polite and easy to get on with. There weren't many boys in their little town and none were so pleasant as Lance. "Okay, but we need some new house rules then, I expect you to treat Evelyn with the utmost respect and if I found out you haven't, you will leave."
Albin told Charli about it later and she seemed less surprised.

Albin reflected that Charli was right. Lance was part of the family and he decided to believe that Lance was now a real boy and perhaps one day could make a good husband for his daughter.
I want Albin’s bookcase, so many books. Shall have to borrow some. Maybe take one and stand in his garden. Hehe!
ReplyDeleteI love the pics and you managed to get them without any cake in the background.
Albin behaved well in the situation. Lance was obviously very nervous but he got across what he wanted to.
If they had kids I wonder if they would have green hair or be born as dolls?
Poor Lance Albin asking him if he could have kids. That must have been uncomfortable or him.
It will be very interesting to see how the situation develops.
Think they are pretend cardboard books, if you got to read any there is only about five I think.
DeleteThey don't always have cake, in fact they haven't had a party for quite a few days now so no cake in sight.
Yes I think the green hair would be rather funky. Next post meet the new baby River
I enjoyed reading that. I thought you got across the emotion in the situation. It would be a real surprise and I think they both handled it really well. Let's see how this fledgling romance progresses...