Thursday 7 February 2013

Chapter 43 - The Expanding River Family

Albin held Gwen close, she was growing up so quickly, no longer a baby but a real little girl now.

She was very fond of Albin and he couldn't imagine life without her.  Lance and Evelyn were growing up too. Only a few more years and they would leave school.

Lance was a keen sports enthusiast. He spent many hours training at the gym with Albin who needed to be super fit for his job.

Lance had his sights on joining the local baseball team one day.

Evelyn knew that she wouldn't be able to get a job whilst she lived at home. So instead she had decided to try her hand at writing and was writing her first novel entitled 'Alpha Male'.

She spent her free hours slaving away on their laptop and hoped that one day her name might grace the best seller list.

Kainda and Dean were still together although Albin had heard reports of angry shouting matches in the street. Yet whenever they appeared together at family occasions they always seemed to get on well.

Lois Lutz had now started school

and was good friends with Merlin.

Albin had been a little surprised when Kainda had announced to Albin that they were expecting another child, but happy to that the River family was growing.

In time, Kainda gave birth to a baby boy they named Clark.

Kwasi and Melody had been married five years before they announced they were also going to become parents.

All the family were surprised when they found out that they were going to have twins. Kwasi became the father of a little baby boy called Einstein and a baby girl called Marie Curie.

Albin was proud of his whole family  as they were of him.

Albin was now a super spy, often out of the country for months on end on top secret government missions. It had taken him a long time to reach the top of his career and now he wondered how long he would be able to keep it up before he thought about retirement. His body was slowing down and he missed the ever growing River family when he was away. He was happiest at home surrounded by those he loved.


  1. Does Albin ever shave properly or just enough to get the rugged look?

    Albin and Gwen look great together. Love Lance's gym get up, that boy likes to stand out........ Is Albin struggling in that pic or just really going for it?

    It's interesting that Evelyn is writing a book called Alpha Male. I wonder if it's fiction or if she is writing about Albin.......

    Kainda and Dean worry me a bit. I wonder what they argue about. It's great they have a lovely little girl Lois. She looks very strongly of Laughing Bear. It's great she has Merlin to hang around with. It's nice Kainda she has had another little un.

    Congratulations to Kwasi and Melody having twins. That’s fab. Now all the siblings have babies. It is definitely a baby boom in town at the moment, yay.

    Love the last pic. There I am paying no attention to what’s going on. Thankfully my husband is. Danny is having fun too but Albin is really enjoying himself.


    1. Albin is the Alpha Male you are right! Maybe thats why he likes the rugged look. He hasn't shaved since he got back from China.

      The more babies the better I always think :)

  2. Does Albin go spying dressed up in his mediaeval gear?
    The word inconspicuous doesn't come to mind.

    What a lot of babies! The town will soon need to expand its school!

    1. Albin actually wears different outfits each day at work. Sometimes it's his police uniform, sometimes a casual outfit and sometimes evening wear. Very James Bond.

      Well class sizes are never too big as Sims age so quickly. Lucky if they manage ten in a class
