Friday 14 June 2013

Chapter 61 - Egypt

Egypt was both picturesque and full of fascinating places to visit.

Merlin set to work talking to his sister and trying to interest her in the world around her.

They visited the pyramids and other historical sites.

Then three days into their holiday it happened. A local named Youssef introduced himself to Gwen at the local market and Merlin could see the instant attraction between the two.

Gwen then became much less interested in sight seeing and Youssef seemed to turn up everywhere they were going.

He joined them for dinner at the camp site

and then invited them to his house for a meal.

Merlin was glad to see Gwen happy, but was concerned just how infatuated she was with Youssef and how fast the relationship was developing after he caught them kissing. 

By the end of the holiday Gwen did seem much brighter and happier and more able to engage in what was going around her. 

But to Merlin's surprise she announced that she had invited Youssef to stay with them in a few weeks. It seemed the holiday romance wasn't going to end in Egypt.

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