Sunday 14 July 2013

Chapter 70 - Owen's Prom

The night had arrived and Owen had chosen his Prom outfit.

Harriet was going too and had enjoyed choosing a contemporary outfit, although unlike Owen she had no date.

Harriet had been finding it difficult making close friends, but she was still determined on going to the Prom and doing her best to have a good time.

Owen had an amazing time. He and Martha got on so well and in the slow dance he leaned in and kissed her and she kissed back. Later he asked her to be his girlfriend and she said yes. Owen was on top of the world.

Harriet's time was much more of a roller coaster affair. At the start she noticed a shy boy from her school and thinking to be kind asked him to dance. He laughed at her and made fun of her so loudly that everyone heard. Harriet was humiliated and started to wish she had never come. As the evening wore on though and to her great surprise she was named Prom Queen and given a crown. Later on still she noticed that she was being watched by a fair haired boy who she realised had just joined their school.She ended up dancing with him, his name was Arturo Kent. They swapped numbers at the end of the Prom.

He rang her next day and they went to the cinema and had a great time.

A few days later Harriet invited him to the local diner for a milkshake. Arturo turned up in a foul mood, shouted at Harriet and then left.

Harriet was mortified and confused and wondered what she should do next. Arturo had seemed so nice, was it just some teenage mood swing or was he a nasty piece of work?


  1. Little Tree Hax14 July 2013 at 19:19

    Owen certainly stands out. The outfit has an upper class feel, love the tartan trousers.
    Harriet looks very pretty. It's a shame she hasn't got many friends. She certainly had an eventful prom, poor girl.

    Arturo Kent - nasty piece of work love. Leave well alone.
    What a nightmare the poor girls having. Owen should teach him some manners. Hopefully she will find a lovely fella who will treat her right.
    I’m glad that Owen and Martha’s relationship is blossoming. I see babies in the not too distance future after lovely wedding.


    1. I like to choose funky outfits for them :).

      Yes think Owen should have thumped him, he is her older brother. Finding the right fella is hard in such a small neighbourhood, they get snapped up quickly.

      With such a big family babies are never far away, there are always some appearing :)
