Albin was just as eager as Merlin, they had both fallen in love with Sim Fu.
Albin was the more advanced of the two having obtained a level six, blue belt. Whilst Merlin had a level three, orange belt. Albin, though he was getting on in years, had always been very fit and was spending his retirement perfecting his knowledge of Sim Fu.
They had brought Lance with them and spent the airplane journey enthusing about Sim Fu. Lance trained for a few days and was able to gain a level two, yellow belt. However after that he lost interest.
Lance was more focused on working to increase his fitness levels in hopes that one day he would be picked for the local team. Training in fresh mountain air was bound to help.
Merlin decided to spent a few days exploring before focusing on Sim Fu and went visiting the local tombs.
Whilst, Albin got straight to training. He was now a high enough level to join the Sim Fu tournament in China. By sparring against different opponents he would earn himself a ranking and he hoped if he worked hard enough to perhaps even make it to Grand Master.
His training at home paid off and he sailed through the first ten matches, beating every opponent.
He decided that he needed to train even harder and to gain a new belt. He managed to reach Level 8 Brown belt himself and then started sparring contestants again.
Merlin spent a few days training hard and been given a Level 5 Green belt but lost his first sparring match.
He decided that it was best he spent this holiday training and learning all he could. He was young and there would be many more years he could come and visit China and compete in the tournament.
Before they knew it the holiday was ending and they were flying home again. Lance had enjoyed training in the mountain air. Merlin had enjoyed improving his knowledge of Sim Fu. Only Albin went home feeling a little sad. He had learnt loads and come so far but he wondered if he would ever reach the title of Grand Master. Who knows how his health would be in another year or whether he would still be here. He was keenly aware that he was getting very old.
The boys on holiday, how nice. Poor Albin is getting old. I do hope he lives for a good while yet.
ReplyDeleteLove the pic of Lance doing Sim Fu. Love the colour of his outfit and his face expression. Wouldn't mess with him.
It's good Merlin had fun in the tombs. Did they have puzzles in them?
It’s great to see Albin keeping fit in his retirement and doing so well at Sim Fu. I hope he gets the chance to be a Grand Master before he dies.
A good male bonding holiday had by all.
Think Albin should live for a few days more at least. Hoping he might get to be a grandparent before he dies but not sure if he will. Much like Laughing Bear who died within a day of Evelyn being born :(.
DeleteLance does have a rather severe look on his face.
Yes the tombs had puzzles, some took me a little time to figure out.
Albin could become like Yoda. Old but great at the old Martial Arts. Grand Master sounds like a great title, I hope one of the family gets the title.