Sunday 14 July 2013

Chapter 69 - Owen's Dilema

Owen was the heir of the River family and on becoming eighteen would take over leadership. 

He knew that one thing for certain was expected of him and that was that he would marry and produce a new generation. With the school prom being announced he set to work thinking of all the girls at school who would make a good choice The problem was he knew exactly who he wanted to ask, Martha.

He had been spending more and more time with Martha and loving every minute. But he and Martha were related and he wasn't sure what his father would feel about it.

With the Prom just around the corner, he decided it was time to talk to his Dad.

Sitting down with Merlin he began.

"Erm Dad, I have been thinking who I should take to the Prom." Owen paused as Merlin looked up interested.

Rushing on Owen said "I am going to ask Martha."

Merlin looked a little confused, "Are you worried about asking a girl out?" he enquired wondering if Owen was taking a friend as a safe option.

Owen took a deep breath and replied whilst looking at the floor, "No. I want to ask Martha, I like her."

Merlin stopped for a minute and pondered,

Owen found himself saying "I know she's related, but quite distantly right? Is this too odd? I don't know what to do." he ended with a deep sigh.

Merlin studied his son carefully and taking a few minutes to think carefully he replied, "Well she is your second cousin, but that is quite distant in normal families. I guess its just we have all stayed so close together in the neighbourhood. This was bound to happen sooner or later." 

Owen looked up relief pouring off him at his Dad's understanding. As Merlin had pondered he had remembered the talk he had had with his own father when he had realised his feelings for his imaginary friend Freya. Merlin felt it wasn't his place to judge and besides that he liked Martha, she was a friendly likeable girl and by law there was nothing wrong in Owen dating Martha.

Owen was so relieved and went to see Martha the next day to ask her to go and she said yes. Owen was now looking forward to the Prom night, very much.


  1. Little Tree Hax14 July 2013 at 19:09

    Shouldn't Owen's eyebrows be red?

    Owen and Martha do look good together. You know Merlin and Owen look the same age. The father and son talk looks like two mates having a chat. It's good they had a chat and it went well through. It’s great they get on so well and can talk.

    Martha returns his feeling so fingers crossed they work out. I love her violet eyes.

    Will be good to see how things develop.


  2. Erm maybe, that's how they came out. I think its to do with root colour and the root colour is brown I think.

    Merlin does look young, he always looks like a teenager.

    I like Martha to, she has a cool face and in the game they are attracted to each other so that is good :)
