Saturday 20 July 2013

Chapter 73 - Melvin Reveals His True Colours

As Freya rounded the corner she met a very sad face.

It was Nichole River. 

In some concern Freya went up and asked what was wrong.

Nichole explained "It's the new house, it is just so small, only one bedroom for all of us and Hermoine isn't settling very well in it".

Freya asked rather confused "New house? Have you moved?"

Nichole looked intently at her and said "Yes, hadn't Einstein told you? We decided it was best, what with the trouble with Melvin."

Freya asked her next question with some foreboding "What's happened?"

"Well I was happy at first to let Melvin stay just after he lost his wife, I felt sorry for him. Einstein didn't get on with him though and in the end asked him to leave. Melvin turned round and told him that Melody had left him the house in her will and so it was us that should leave. Einstein argued for a while but decided that living under the same roof as that man was intolerable. We got a little house and moved out. Einstein doesn't know what to do now, I don't think we could afford to contest it, all the money we had is now in our new little house."

"Don't worry" replied Freya. "I will speak to Merlin and he will sort this out I promise, Melvin won't get away with it"

Nichole smiled faintly and Freya hugged her goodbye went home to tell Merlin all that she had heard.

Freya hadn't been the only one catching up with family members, Merlin had bumped into a beaming Marie Curie who announced that she had proposed to Denver who had said yes. 

The wedding was set for later in the year.

Denver found that parenthood had rather aged him and he now looked all of the fifty he was, but he seemed genuinely fond of Marie Curie and willing to be a father to all her children.

Lois was pregnant with her fourth child and was finding this pregnancy rather more difficult than her others as she was feeling her age more.

When Freya got home, she rushed to tell Merlin all her news. Merlin was aghast to hear that Melvin had forced Einstein out of his own home. He decided to visit Einstein straight away to get more details. He had stood on the sidelines long enough, as head of the family it was his duty to intervene and sort this mess out.

1 comment:

  1. Little Tree Hax21 July 2013 at 20:27

    It must be awful for Nichole and Einstein that just after losing Melody that Melvin put them through this. Melvin is soooooo evil . Forcing them out of their home. I think this situation calls for Merlin to the rescue. He will sort it out. I’m sure of it.

    Marie Curie is becoming a married woman, at long last. I’m so glad. It’s great her and Denver are happily together and she is at last settling down and doing away with her wild ways. I hope they will continue to be very happy.

    Lois I don’t know how you do it. 4 children, by gum. How you managed to look after them all I don’t know.

    Go Merlin, Go Merlin, Go Merlin, Go Merlin………….
