Monday, 1 October 2012

Chapter 15 Generation two rules

Now Albin has grown into an adult, we switch to generation two rules.

Here are the family dressed for the medieval era.

The rules are as follows:

"Once the eldest son of the original couple reaches young adulthood, it's time for the family to come out of the dark ages (Well, sort of..)! Should the family have failed to produce a son, the eldest daughter may act as an heir and start to the new generation once she is married. Upon the heir's wedding or birthday (depending on their gender) it's up to you to redesign your lot - bring your sims one step closer to the future by dressing them appropriately (women in long, ornate dressers; men in ornate pants and shirts). If your budget allows, it's recomnmended to redecorate your home. Male sims are now allowed to work any full-time job. Female sims are not permitted to work. Unmarried sims are not permitted to "kiss", "make-out", "woohoo", or "try for baby". Bathrooms must be detatched from the main home. No sims on lot may complete "opportunities" offered by the game. No adoptions are to occur during the second generation.
  • 1 pt. for every gardening skill gained by a female family member.
  • 1 pt. for every fishing skill gained by a male family member.
  • 1 pt. for every instrument skill gained by a family member of any gender.
  • 1 pt. for every painting skill gained by a family member of any gender.
  • 5 pt. for every female that masters the cooking skill.
  • 5 pt. for every male that masters the athletic skill.
  • 20 pt. for every sim that marries. (25 pt. should the sim be rich)
  • 10 pt. for every child born on the lot. "
(taken from:

The house underwent a dramatic change. Their old house looked like this:

For the new house I wanted to build a castle so I knocked this down and started again. The finished castle can be seen below:

All the money was spent on building the outside so as yet there is just one room inside the castle. Once we have more money this should change.


  1. Very nice castle. It will be good to see how the family grow and change.

    Hopefully Albin will find himself a lovely wife. He does need all the help he can get through. I love the families’ new clothes.

    I'm always interested seeing what they are thinking off. Why Sefu is thinking of a house and Kainda’s thinking of a light bulb I haven’t a clue. xxxxxxxx

  2. Just fyi you could have used "freerealestate" as a cheat.
