Thursday, 4 October 2012

Chapter 17 - Three go to the Prom

It was prom time again in the River household and this time Kwasi, Kainda and Sefu were all old enough to go. They all spent time choosing their killer outfits. Albin was happy  to let them all dress modern for the special occasion.

Kwasi had asked Claire Beech if she would be his date and she had said that would love to go with him but that if he stood her up she would throw a bag of poo at him (classy).

Sefu had gone for a dark suit. He had his father's wide build and clothes often hung on him so as to make him look fat when in fact it was all muscle.

Sefu had decided to ask his friend Cassandra Pond and she had said yes.

Kainda had loved dressing up and had been hoping Dean would ask her.

In the end she had to go alone as no one asked her and she didn't feel that a medieval girl should really being asking a guy out.

Kwasi had an amazing time. Claire kissed him for the first time and he asked her to be his girlfriend. They spent the evening holding hands and smiling at each other. Kwasi was also voted the Prom King which made him very proud.

Kainda's evening started less successfully. She tripped and brought down the backdrop to the stage and the head teacher gave her a telling off. She plucked up her courage after watching Dean for an hour and asked him to dance, but he turned her down. She then got into a fight with another girl who made some disparaging remark about her family. Kainda wondered if she should just go home things seem to be going so wrong.

However later on in the evening things started looking up, Dean kept bring her punch and chatting to her and seem to be flirting. She was voted Prom Queen and left really fancying Dean, but not at all sure how he felt about her after his mixed signals.

Sefu had a lot of fun with Cassandra and by the end of the evening they were an item, having kissed each other for the first time in the slow dance at the end.

All in all the evening had been a success and the teens returned home at 11pm, all three of them found it hard to keep their eyes open the next day at school. Kwasi and Kainda had only one more term left and it was their turn to graduate and decide on a direction for their adult life.


  1. I'm, glad they all had a great time. I think Kainda was brave to stay on at the prom. After all that I definitely would have taken myself home.

    College is nearly over for these three as well - I wonder what will be in store for them?

  2. Awww poor Kainda. She didn't have a good evening. I would stay away from Dean if I was her as I don't think he really likes her, not wanting to dance with her.

    Nice clothes Kwasi. There are no words to desribe why you would go to the dance with someone who threaten to throw a bag of poo at you and then kiss her. I'm not sure the guys have great luck in love.

    I love that Kainda was Prom Queen. Her prom pic looks like she is trying to sneak up on someone!

    I'm glad the boys have had a sucessful evening. They are all growing up so fast.

